
Exosomes vs. PRP – What’s The Difference?

Exosomes are most often used in anti-aging, hair loss, and collagen restoration treatments. They are also increasingly replacing PRP therapy in med spas and doctor’s offices, and are a hot topic on beauty vlogs and TikTok. So this is the part where you might be asking: What even are exosomes? And maybe even: Okay, so what’s…

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Microneedling with Exosomes: Before and After Photos

MICRONEEDLING + EXOSOMES APRIL SPECIAL! BUY IN APRIL & GET $75 OFF YOUR FIRST TREATMENT! CALL NOW TO BOOK! If you follow the latest developments in aesthetics, you probably know that “exosomes” is one of the latest buzzwords. And for good reason! Exosomes are nanoparticals that activate our body’s healing and regeneration response. They contain…

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