
The Non-Surgical Double Chin Treatment

Kybella los angeles

A double chin can age your appearance and affect your self-confidence. Even more frustrating? Excess fat under the chin — or submental fat — is often genetic, and until recently, the only solution to chin fat removal was invasive surgery. But not anymore.

At MedBeautyLA, the premier provider for Kybella® in Los Angeles, our expert injectors melt away under-chin fat with this safe and effective, FDA-approved injectable. The result is a stronger, more defined, and overall more flattering profile.

The active ingredient in Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, which your own body produces during digestion to break down fats. Deoxycholic acid dissolves fat cells upon injection, and your body then flushes them out over a period of several weeks. In essense, Kybella® works by using your body’s own metabolic response. While Kybella® is most often used to treat chin fat, it can also be used in a number of other areas of the body, including fat deposits in the thighs, bra rolls, and underarms.

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A Few Minutes, Once a Month

Each Kybella® treatment only takes about 15 minutes. During the session, your provider places a template underneath your chin to guide the injections. She chooses her insertion points based on your unique anatomy and needs. Each treatment session dissolves up to 20% to 25% of your submental fat. Most clients receive between 2-3 sessions spaced one month apart. The result is a non-surgical option with surgery-like outcomes.

What Do Kybella® Injections Feel Like?

“Does Kybella hurt?” is often the first question clients ask when learning about treatment. The injections themselves are incredibly tolerable, though you will feel a burning sensation at the treatment site within a few minutes as the deoxycholic acid takes effect. You will be provided with a cold compress or ice pack to decrease any potential discomfort. The area will remain slightly tender for about two weeks post-injection, and your discomfort lessens with each subsequent treatment.

What To Expect In The Days After Injection

Kybella® recovery is typically mild, though swelling after your treatment session is extremely common. (You may have even heard of the “Kybella bullfrog effect.” This is when swelling beneath the chin causes a temporary “bullfrog” look). Swelling peaks by about day 3 post-treatment and will gradually works itself out of your system over the next two weeks.

You may also experience some difficulty swallowing for a few days, but this subsides as the swelling decreases. There are virtually no other Kybella® side effects.

For a more detailed account of what it feels like to get Kybella, read our “How It Feels To Get Kybella” blog post from a staff member who received treatment.

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How To Minimize Kybella® Swelling

While some swelling after treatment is inevitable, there are absolutely steps you can take to minimize both the extent and duration. We recommend scheduling your treatment for a time when you can consistently ice the treatment site off and on for 48 hours. Keeping consistent pressure on the treatment site with an ACE bandage for the first two days will also significantly decrease swelling.

kybella before and afters

Who Is A Candidate For Kybella®?

Almost anyone with submental fullness or stubborn pockets of fat in other areas of the body is a candidate for Kybella®. (And yes — Kybella® for men as well as women is both effective and popular!). There are some cases in which CoolSculpting may be the more effective form of treatment, which is why all potential clients will see a provider for a pre-treatment consultation.

Is Kybella® Permanent?

Kybella® is permanent if you maintain your weight and a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, new fat is less likely to return to the treatment site should you gain weight in the future, as there are fewer fat cells in the area for new fat to “grab” on to. This means that your typical “problem area” will become less of a problem after treatment, even with weight gain.

What is the success rate of Kybella?

Most clients experience visible improvements after 2-4 treatments. You can check out our Kybella before and after photos here.

Kybella® Cost in Los Angeles

In general, you can expect a single vial of Kybella® in Los Angeles to cost between $500-$650. However, the skill and experience level of your provider will absolutely affect pricing. Additionally, the number of treatment sessions you require, as well as the number of vials required in each session will affect your bottom line. For example, one client may need two treatment sessions of one vial each. Another may require three treatment sessions of three vials each (so a difference of two vials versus nine vials total). Your provider will assess your specific needs upon an in-person consult in order to attain an accurate cost assessment.

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Easy to Add On To Other Services

Kybella® is a minimally invasive treatment and is easily combined with other aesthetic procedures. If you have sagging skin in addition to excess fat in your chin, your provider may recommend Ultherapy — a noninvasive skin-tightening treatment that uses the power of ultrasound to replenish your skin with collagen and elastin. This will help to rejuvenate your jawline, jowl, and neck area, leading to a more youthful effect overall.

Kybella® is also a wonderful addition to a liquid facelift. Liquid facelifts are growing in popularity among clients who want to put off facelift surgery for as long as possible. For our liquid facelifts, we use Botox and dermal fillers to smooth, lift, and firm the face. Your provider will work with you to create a custom-made treatment plan should this be a route you want to take.

Call our team or book online to set up a Kybella® consultation today.