Microneedling for Hair Loss


microneedling hair loss la

Age-related and genetic hair loss is an extremely common problem (for both men and women), and it can have a significant effect on one’s self-confidence. Until relatively recently, there have been only two ways of treating this issue: topical/oral over-the-counter medications, or painful and costly hair transplants — neither of which guarantee results. However, new research shows that microneedling for hair loss is an effective, minimally-invasive approach to promoting hair growth and can work significantly better than the traditional “go-tos.”

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How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling works by using an FDA-approved device to create “micro-injuries” to the skin, which promotes collagen production during the healing process. The latest research has also found that applying this same method to the scalp works as a treatment for hair loss. This is because microneedling helps traditional over-the-counter treatments better absorb into the scalp while also stimulating blood circulation to the hair follicles.

The Data

A study shared by the National Institute of Health showed that the hair count on men who were treated with both microneedling and a 5% minoxidil lotion (the active ingredient in most over-the-counter hair-loss creams) over a 12-week period was “significantly greater” than the hair count on men who used only 5% minoxidil in that same time. What’s more, 82% of the scalp microneedling + minoxidil group experienced more than 50% improvement in hair growth, compared to only 4.5% in the minoxidil-only group. Furthermore, this was an evaluator-blind study, meaning that the researchers assessing the “before and after” results did not know which group they were evaluating.

To put these results into context, the average hair transplant does not guarantee that any of the hair you transplant will continue to regrow post-op (you can hopefully expect a 60% regrowth rate at best), and the procedure can cost well over $10,000 (not to mention entails a lot of pain, discomfort, and recovery time).

microneedling for hair los study

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What You Can Expect When You Get Microneedling to Treat Hair Loss

Many clients are (understandably!) nervous when they hear the words “needles” and “skin” in the same sentence.  In reality, microneedling the scalp is a minimally-invasive procedure and most people experience only mild discomfort. You’ll likely experience some redness and tenderness for several days after your session, but can otherwise resume all normal activities as soon as you leave the office. We recommend that clients book a minimum of six treatments over an eight-week period, with full protocol consisting of 15 sessions over 24 weeks. You can expect results in as early as eight weeks.

Is Microneedling For Hair Loss Painful?

Microneedling for hair loss does not hurt. We promise! Your provider will apply a topical numbing cream prior to treatment. You will feel virtually nothing during the actual procedure, though you may experience slight scalp tenderness the following day or two.

Do You Offer Scalp Microneedling with PRP for Hair Loss?

We do not offer PRP treatments at our office. Instead, we provide microneedling with exosomes. Exosomes are another form of stem cells and growth factors that enhance healing and re-growth. However, unlike PRP therapy, exosomes do not require a blood draw, which can increase risk of infection. Additionally, because PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, the quality of the cells is limited by the age and health of the patient. In contrast, exosomes are derived from placental cells. This means they are the most nutrient-rich form of growth factor available, and 100 times more potent than PRP. You can read more on PRP vs. Exosomes here.

How Do I know if Microneedling Will Work For My Specific Type of Hair Loss?

The best candidates for scalp microneedling are those in the early stages of androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Men typically first notice this type of hair loss at the front and top of the head. Women typically notice it as a widening of their center part. We can help determine if you are a good candidate for treatment during an in-office consult.

Can I Just Use A Derma Roller On My Scalp?

Derma rolling may be popular on YouTube and Tiktok, but we do not recommend it for anyone serious about treating male pattern baldness or hair loss due to potential side effects. In-office treatments use FDA-approved devices with extremely small, medical-grade needles. Needle depth is also precisely controlled by your provider. Thick, imprecise derma rollers can potentially damage the hair follicle and permanently prevent hair regrowth.

Think microneedling for hair loss may be right for you? Give us a call or book online to schedule a consult now!

Still nervous? Check out our blog entry on Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Microneedling. You can also learn more about other aesthetic uses for microneedling here.