IPL vs. BBL — Which Is Better?

July 14, 2024


ipl vs bbl

Laser season is fast approaching, which means we’re getting a surge of questions about laser treatments and photofacials. And one of the most common questions we get as providers? “IPL vs. BBL — Which is better?” (Want to know who we are? Owned by Dr. Lori Aliksanian, MedBeautyLA is one of the most trusted spots for both IPL in LA and BBL in LA).

Firstly, What Even Is IPL and BBL?

IPL and BBL stand for intense pulsed light and broadband light respectively. While they are often grouped with laser services, they are not technically laser-based treatments. Lasers — like Laser Genesis, ResurFx, and Halo — utilize heat-based energy to treat the skin, whereas IPL and BBL use light. Because of this, IPL and BBL are often referred to as photofacials, or light facials. (If you ever hear someone refer to “IPL laser” or “BBL laser,” you’ll now know this is a misnomer!)

Light treatments like IPL and BBL are most often used to treat brown spots, redness, rosacea, broken capillaries/spider veins, acne, and unwanted body hair. Meanwhile, laser treatments like ResurFX and Laser Genesis are typically used to treat fine lines, uneven skin texture, and acne scars, as well as to tighten skin and generate collagen.

Okay … So What’s the Difference Between IPL and BBL?

The honest answer? Not all that much — despite what you may have heard.

BBL is a form of IPL. (To get really specific, BBL is a copyrighted term from a company called Sciton, which manufactures IPL devices). Sciton states that their BBL device uses a broader range of wavelengths when compared to traditional IPL. This means that, in theory, BBL can deliver a more targeted treatment when treating skin discoloration and spider veins while also helping generate collagen/providing some anti-aging benefits.

However, in reality, a skilled IPL technician will use several different filters and settings during a typical session in order to deliver highly targeted treatment — which in essence is a BBL treatment. This is especially true for the newest IPL devices, like the Stellar M-22 from Lumenis.

As for the anti-aging benefits of BBL? If a client’s main concern is collagen loss and age-related skin sag, our team will realistically recommend a different treatment altogether, like a heat-based laser treatment, TriLift non-surgical lift, or Ultherapy. These other services are more effective methods for combatting the visible signs of aging.

The Bottom Line?

If you’re choosing between IPL vs. BBL, the skill and experience level of your provider matters much more than the specific type of light being used. Additionally, if anti-aging is your main focus, most laser technicians will opt for another form of treatment anyway, whether that be laser, RF microneedling, or Ultherapy.  (However, if you are concerned with both hyperpigmentation and collagen loss, there are excellent combination treatments that target both in one session. Ask us about it!).


ipl in la

(The below questions and answers apply to both IPL and BBL photofacials, as they are virtually identical treatments).

How Many IPL Treatments Will I Need?

The average client requires 4-6 sessions spaced four weeks apart to achieve best results. However, some clients see significant improvement in as few as three sessions.

Does IPL Hurt?

IPL entails very mild discomfort for most patients. Your skin is numbed with a topical numbing cream before treatment, and the most up-to-date IPL/BBL devices include a cooling mechanism to keep your skin comfortable during your appointment. Many liken treatment to the feeling of a rubber band snapped against their skin.

Is IPL Safe For All Skin Types?

IPL is not typically recommended for darker skin tones (specifically Fitzpatrick types 5 and 6) as it can cause hyperpigmentation/discoloration. However, there are alternative treatments for darker skin, such as the Q-Switched Nd:Yag laser. It is important to choose an office that is well-versed in treating all skin types and has options for safely treating your skin.

How Much Does IPL Cost?

IPL pricing and BBL pricing depends on a variety of factors, such as the experience level of your provider and your location (an IPL treatment in the heart of Beverly Hills will realistically cost more than in the suburbs of Ohio). However, you can generally expect to pay between $400-$475 per session.

Is There Anything I Should NOT Do Before or After Treatment?

You should refrain from using retinol/retinoids, as well as exfoliating products like salicylic acid, for one week before and after your appointment. Also refrain from using hydroquinone for at least two weeks prior to treatment (some providers may recommend even longer).

Avoid sun exposure seven days before and seven days after treatment. You should not have any fake tanner on your skin.

Can I Get IPL While Pregnant?

There have been no studies on the effects of IPL on pregnancy, so most providers recommend waiting until after pregnancy to book your appointment.


Our small team of highly trained providers makes MedBeautyLA one of the most trusted spots for both IPL in LA and BBL in LA. The process begins with a personalized consultation and medical pre-check to ensure you are an appropriate candidate for treatment. From there, you will receive a customized treatment plan to fit your specific needs.

Ready to book your session? Book your virtual pre-check or an in-person consultation with a MedBeautyLA expert provider.