All About IPL For Chest Spots *AND* IPL Alts For Darker Skin Tones

October 9, 2024

IPL for sun damage chest

Sun exposure is one of the biggest factors in visible signs of aging, and our chests are one of the most vulnerable areas. Repeated sun exposure from tank tops, bathing suits, and v-necks leads to things like brown spots, wrinkles, and crepey skin. The good news? Treatment options are available. IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy, is an incredibly effective option for brown spots for most skin types. And while IPL is not always the safest treatment for those with darker skin tones, the Q-switch laser serves as an excellent alternative. Today’s blog will delve into the benefits of IPL for sun damage on the chest, and also how the Q-switch laser offers a safe IPL alternative for clients with melanin-rich skin.

How IPL Treats Sun Damage On The Chest

IPL treatments work by penetrating the skin with intense light pulses that specifically target dark spots in the damaged areas. These light pulses break down the pigmentation so the body can naturally eliminate it. In the case of discoloration on the chest, IPL treatments can:

  1. Reduce Hyperpigmentation: Sunspots, age spots, redness, and other forms of pigmentation are diminished with each session.
  2. Smooth Fine Lines and Wrinkles: IPL has the additional benefit of stimulating collagen, which helps fill in and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful appearance.
  3. Improve Skin Texture: IPL can also help reduce the appearance of rough, leathery skin texture, which is often a result of prolonged sun exposure.
  4. Even Skin Tone: After a few sessions, the skin tone becomes more uniform, giving the chest a fresher, younger look.
chest ipl

 Courtesy of Lumenis

IPL chest brown spots

Courtesy of Lumenis

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What To Expect From An IPL Session

  • Minimal Downtime: Patients can return to almost all regular activities directly after treatment. You will likely appear flushed after your session, but this typically resolves within a few hours. Within 2-3 days of your session, the sun spots on your skin will begin to darken and rise to the surface, eventually flaking off.
  • Quick Sessions: Treatments are typically short, lasting only 20-30 minutes. (This is why IPL is sometimes referred to as the “lunch time laser”!).
  • Non-Invasive: IPL is non-surgical and non-invasive, making it an ideal option for those seeking less aggressive skin rejuvenation methods.
  • Results In 3-6 Sessions: Most clients require 3-6 sessions spaced four weeks apart for optimal results.
  • Sun Safety Is A Must(!): It’s imperative that patients stay out of the sun for the week prior to and the week after their session. Receiving IPL on sun-exposed skin increases the risk of adverse effects and can damage the skin.

Average Cost Of IPL For Chest

IPL on the chest is often slightly more expensive than IPL on the face, as the larger surface area requires more treatment time. While IPL chest pricing varies by location, most can expect to pay in the range of $400-$500 per treatment. Most practices offer package pricing when you pre-pay for a certain number of sessions.

While IPL is an excellent option for many clients, it’s crucial to note that IPL is not suitable for all skin types. Those with darker skin tones are at a higher risk of side effects like burns, hyperpigmentation, or even scarring due to the treatment’s interaction with melanin.

Q-Switch Laser: A Safe Alternative to IPL for Dark Skin

q-switch on chest

Courtesy of Lumenis

What Is A Q-Switch Laser?

The Q-switch laser is designed to target sun spots and pigmented lesions without affecting the surrounding skin. Unlike IPL, which uses broad-spectrum light, the Q-switch laser emits light in even more specific wavelengths, making it more precise. This precision reduces the risk of damage to surrounding tissue, especially in individuals with darker skin tones.

Why The Q-Switch Laser Is Ideal For Dark Skin

  • Safer for Melanin-Rich Skin: The Q-switch laser is designed to minimize the risk of hyperpigmentation and burns. Its precise targeting ensures that only the pigmented areas are treated, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
  • Minimal Downtime: Like IPL, the Q-switch laser offers minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.
  • Results In 6-9 Sessions: The Q-switch laser typically requires 6-9 sessions spaced four weeks apart for optimal results. As with IPL, most practices offer package pricing when you pre-pay for a certain number of sessions.
  • Sun Safety Is A Must(!): Again, much as with IPL, it”s imperative to avoid direct sun exposure the week before and after your sessions, and to wear an SPF of 30 or higher when outdoors.

Average Cost Of Q-Switch Laser For Chest

While Q-switch chest pricing is dependent on a variety of factors (location and experience level of your provider, to name a few), most can expect to pay around $400-$500 per treatment. Many offices offer package pricing when you pre-pay for a certain number of sessions.

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Combination Treatments

Certain clients may be ideal candidates for an IPL/Q-switch combo treatment. In these sessions, your laser provider will treat the entire area with IPL and then re-treat specific areas with the Q-switch laser. This is ideal for clients who want to treat multiple skin concerns in one sessions, such as brown spots, fine lines, visible veins/broken capillaries, redness, and acne scarring.

Think an IPL or Q-switch chest treatment may be right for you? Book a medical consultation with one of our expert providers in the Consultation section of our online booking page. Or call us directly to book!